Parkgate Infants & Nursery School

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At Parkgate Infants and Nursery school we want the Religious Education curriculum to develop the knowledge and understanding of the different religions. We want them to ask questions about religions and beliefs to promote and develop their personal,
spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We want our children to understand how beliefs influence people in their
behaviours and practices and encourage them to develop a positive attitude towards other people who hold different beliefs.

We want to challenge what they know about beliefs and celebrations and give them the understanding and awareness of what is
important to others so that they fully understand the world they live in.  

The Religious Education curriculum is planned so that learning is revisited enabling the learning to be embedded into our
children’s long-term memory. Progression is also a key part of the curriculum, for example in the early years foundation stage children learn about some religious practices, in year 1 they learn further and explain the beliefs and practices and in year 2 they look further into the meaning and message behind these beliefs and practices.  

There are also strong links with other curriculum areas especially PSHE and Geography.  

The curriculum also links strongly to our curriculum drivers. We provide the children with the opportunity to develop their respect and values in order to develop health relationships.

We look at Local and Global Parkgate when learning about family traditions and places of worship in our local area and religious sites and pilgrimages globally. Being effective communicators is also a key part of our Religious Education curriculum.  


R.E Overview