Parkgate Infants & Nursery School

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Reception - Mole Class

5 July 2024 - Mixing Colours

Mole class loved spending time out in the rain. We used this opportunity to explore mixing colours with powder paint!

28 June 2024 - Pirate Ships

We have been making our own pirate ships this week and decided to test them out in our water tray. Do they sink or do they float?

21 June 2024 - Parkgate Day

Reception had a lovely day celebrating Parkgate Day with the Junior school!

14 June 2024 - Ashridge

Reception had a blast going on our school trip to Ashridge. We loved exploring the natural world around us.

7 June 2024 - Lighthouses

This week we have been reading the lighthouse keeps lunch. This inspired the children to create their own lighthouses out of junk modelling. 

24 May 2024 - The Farm

This week we were very lucky to have a visit from the farm! The children loved learning about all the animals (and stroking them). 

17 May 2024 - Electric Umbrella

This week Electric Umbrella paid a special visit to Parkgate Infants! We sung lots of songs, danced and learnt something very important... 'There is no such thing as normal'. 

10 May 2024 - Mini-Beasts

This week Mole class have been continuing to explore mini-beasts. They have been thinking about what the habitat for each mini-beast looks like and used this knowledge to go on their own mini-beast hunt. Great exploring Moles!

3 May 2024 -Chicks

This week we were very excited to welcome the chicks into our class. We loved holding and stroking them! 

26 April 2024 - St George's Day

This week to celebrate St George's Day, Mole class created the English flag using coloured tissue paper. 

19 April 2024 - Mighty Maurice

This week Mole class were super excited to have child author Emily Gale come into class to read one of her stories 'Mighty Maurice'!

22 March 2024 - Spring Walk

This week Mole class went on their Spring Walk. We loved investigating our local area, searching for clues to see if Spring had arrived!

15 March 2024 -  The Train Ride

Mole class loved reading the story 'The Train Ride' and creating paintings about what they would see outside if they were on the train.

8 March 2024 - World Book Day

World Book Day Fun! Mole Class had a blast during World Book Day and really enjoyed having their favourite stories read to by Year 2!

1 March 2024 - Fitness circuit

Mole class had the best time completing their fitness circuit and meeting Saffron Severn (GB Gymnast).

9 February 2024 - Maps

This week Mole class explored looking at maps. It was so much fun using these maps to find the hidden treasure!

2 February 2024 - maths investigators

For National Numeracy Day on Friday, Mole class were maths investigators! They went on a number hunt and gained clues to make the mystery word. Amazing job Moles!

26 January 2024 -  Barnaby's birthday

This week Moles have been preparing for Barnaby's birthday. We loved writing him birthday cards and decorating our home-corner for his arrival!

19 January 2024 - 3D homes

This week in mole class we have been using a variety of materials to create our 3D homes!

12 January 2024 - Houses and Homes

This week in Reception we have been focusing on houses and homes. We have enjoyed building a variety of different buildings in many ways

8 December 2023 - Nativity

Mole class has had a busy week performing their Nativity show to both their parents and KS1! We have loved practicing our songs, dancing and acting over these last couple of weeks

1 December 2023 - Library Visit

This week Mole class had a great morning at our local library. We enjoyed discovering a variety of different texts and being read to. 

24 November 2023 - Hearing dogs

This week Mole class really enjoyed our assembly all about hearing dogs and how they support people with hearing difficulties!

17 November 2023 - Light and Dark

Mole class had a blast learning about light and dark this week. We used a black out tent and torches to create shadow puppets!

10 November 2023 - Diwali

Mole class have been working really hard this week and have been fantastic detectives! They helped save Bertie the owl who was kidnapped by the evil Ravana (Linking to our story of the week Rama and Sita to celebrate Diwali). 

3 November 2023 - Bonfire Night!

Mole class have been immersed in all things linking to Bonfire Night! It has been so much fun exploring colours, textures and sounds.

20 October 2023 - Black History Month

To celebrate Black History Month, Moles have been looking at black artists and recreating their work!

13 October 2023 - Outside learning

Mole class had a great week outside. We enjoyed observing what happens when we mix two colours together and making delicious recipes in our mud and water area!

6 October 2023 - Pumpkin Soup

Mole class has had a lovely week playing with pumpkins and creating delicious pumpkin soup!

29 September 2023 - Pantosaurus

This week mole class have been looking at pantosaurus! We designed our own underwear to remind us to say no if anyone asks to see our pants! 

22 September 2023 - What does Autumn look like?

Mole class had a great week discovering what Autumn looked like in our outdoor area. We love looking after our playground.


15 September 2023 - New sounds

Mole class have had a busy week settling into lessons! We have loved learning and applying our new sounds from our phonics lesson. 

8 September 2023 - Settling in

Mole class had a great week settling. We've explored all the areas and learnt how to play with others and look after our equipment.

Please click here to see our archive class page from 2022-2023.