Year 2 - Fox Class
14 February 2025 - Rock Steady
We were lucky enough to have a visit from Rock Steady this week. We had a whole morning listening to fantastic music and learning to play instruments. We even created a Parkgate band.
Remember to sign up on the Rock Steady website if your child would like to take part in the Rock Steady weekly sessions!
24 January 2025 - Measurements
Today we compared measures of length and considered what objects we would measure in centimetres and what objects we would measure in metres.
We used rulers and metre sticks to judge which one would be most suitable for various classroom objects.
17 January 2025 - Royal College of Music
This week the children thoroughly enjoyed an engaging session with the Royal College of Music. The children thought carefully about the music they could hear and they even learnt how to read music!
10 January 2025 - Computing
This term in computing we are learning how to create music using technology.
We are using an online resource called Chrome Music Lab to experiment with sound.
This week we used a programme which allowed us to draw pictures, which then created sound once they were drawn. We were able to attempt to create different pictures to make different sounds before joining them together and listening to the results.
29 November 2024 - Characters
This week in English we created characters for a story. We created a character map with the character's name, and 4 important aspects of the character's personality, before drawing the character.
22 November 2024 - Great Fire of London
This week Year 2 took part in a livestream with London Museum! Led by Great Fire of London expert Meriel Jeater, a curator at London Museum, the children had the opportunity to ask Meriel Jeater questions and they enjoyed playing some true or false myth-buster games.!
8 November 2024 - Art
Today in Art we were creating art using materials from our environment.
We learned about artists who use rocks they've collected, or old bits of smooth glass that they've collected from riverbanks and beaches.
We ventured into the playground to collect materials, before using them to create pictures in the classroom.
20 September 2024 - Wheels and axels
We had a great time today learning about wheels and axels. We were given scrap paper on our tables and told that we needed to create working wheels and axels. With no other instructions, we had to be very creative, and we came up with all sorts of different designs which we then discussed as a class.
13 September 2024 - The Frog and the Stranger
We've been reading a lovely book called The Frog and the Stranger. We wrote our own version of an event in the book where one of the characters accidentally started a fire. We imagined what distracted Pig from cooking in order for the fire to start.
6 September 2024 - Year 2 expectations
What a fantastic first week back. We have quickly settled into our routine and are getting used to the high expectations in Year 2. We understand that we are role models to the rest of the school and so our behaviour needs to show everyone else what to do.
We signed our name underneath the school Golden Rules to show that we agree to follow them.
21 June 2024 - Scratch
This week in Fox class we have been working on the Scratch Jr. app on our ipads in Computing. We learnt how to use code to make our sprite 'Cat' move, say the names of all the seasons with a speech bubble and change the background as the season names appear!
14 June 2024 - Writing Instructions
This week Fox class have been looking at writing detailed instructions. We wrote instructions about how to brush your teeth earlier in the week and then we wrote detailed instructions on how to wash our very own school's learning behaviour animal - Resilient Rabbit! We wrote about the things we would need for bath time and how to give our rabbit a relaxing gentle bath using a variety of adverbs and descriptions.
24 May 2024 - Ark Farm
The talk of this week was the visit of Ark Farm.
We braved the mud and a little rain to meet a variety of farm animals, including donkeys, goats, sheep and ducks.
This linked to our Autumn science learning on animals, and was also a thoroughly love way of rounding off the term.
10 May 2024 - Architects
We have been drawing architectural plans to create a house based on some buildings and architects that we have been learning about.
Today the children used a range of materials to put their plan into action.
15 March 2024 - Making Pizza
This week we followed up last week’s chopping session by making pizzas! More chopping was required for the peppers, as well as lots of grating cheese. They listened really well to instructions and picked up some valuable cooking skills. I’m sure you can all expect breakfast in bed very soon.
8 March 2024 - Design & Technology - Cooking
Our Design & Technology topic this term is cooking, and this week we were honing our skills in chopping and peeling. Children all had a turn at chopping cucumber with safety knives – focusing on holding the cucumber safely, with fingers out of the way. They also peeled carrots – again keeping fingers out of the way and peeling away from our bodies.
1 March 2024 - The Magic Paintbrush
This week we read a book called ‘The Magic Paintbrush’ in English. It is about a girl who has a magic paintbrush, and anything she paints becomes real.
We had a go at painting what we would create if we had a magic brush!
16 February 2024 - move like water
We've been practicing how to move like water this term, creating dances that look like different aquatic settings such as rivers, waterfalls and beaches.
This week the class tried moving in a way that resembled the open sea, with rocking boats, crashing waves and all sorts of sea creatures on display.
2 February 2024 - Number Day
We had number day on Friday, where we had a lovely day of number based activities to raise funds and awareness for NSPCC.
Here we enjoyed a board game which had addition and subtraction questions for us to work out on each square.
26 Jan 2024 - learning about music media
In computing we've been learning about music media.
This week we were using a music programme on Google to practice making different rhythms.
We really enjoyed listening to the different sounds and songs created.
19 January 2024 - Florence Nightingale
This week in History we have been thinking about the changes Florence Nightingale made in hospitals and what conditions were like when she first arrived at the Crimean war.
We wrote a letter from Florence Nightingale to Queen Victoria to explain what happened
12 January 2024 - creating pencil sketches of animals
This week in art we were creating pencil sketches of animals.
We were focusing on what we could see instead of what we could imagine - we looked carefully at a picture, noticing details, lines and shadows and drew what we saw.
8 December 2023 - Feeling festive
We have been feeling ever so festive in the last couple of weeks.
Preparations for the play are going well and we can't wait for you to see it next week.
We have also been decorating our classroom space.
We have built a fireplace to hang our Christmas stockings over, and we have a Year 2 Christmas tree which was enthusiastically decorated by the children.
1 December 2023 - Reading Challenge Wall
Our reading challenge wall is filling up nicely and it is so wonderful to see so many proud faces holding the books they have enjoyed.
As a class we have read George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl, Kaspar Prince of Cats by Michael Morpurgo and we are currently reading a Planet Omar book. It is so important for the children to hear these fabulous stories to understand how authors write and to develop their own writer's voice.
Thank you so much for all the photos. Keep them coming so we can completely fill the wall!
24 November 2023 - Julian is a mermaid
Last week we started reading a beautifully illustrated book called 'Julian is a Mermaid' by Jessica Love.
In the story, Julian accidentally wrecks his Nana's living room when making himself a mermaid outfit.
We practiced our empathy by thinking about how Nana would be feeling and writing her an apology note.
We wrote a section apologising for what we had done wrong, then a section explaining why we had done it in the first place.
17 November 2023 - Interesting Sentences
This week in English we have been focussing on 'uplevelling' our sentences - adding parts to make them more interesting and descriptive. We learned about expanded noun phrases ('the dog' could become 'the tiny, timid dog') and the conjunctions 'because' and 'when'.
10 November 2023 - Playground Art
In art we have been learning about how some artists find inspiration from their environment.
This week we did the same, by exploring the playground to find materials to create our art from.
3 November 2023 - The Great Fire of London
This week we started our new history topic - the Great Fire of London.
We have been thinking about what life was like in London in 1666, and what was different about the buildings compared to London today. The children learned that in 1666 most buildings were built using lots of wood, that they were built close together and also that buildings were often wider at the top than at ground level.
20 October 2023 - Library Visit
We're at the end of our first half term and it has raced by!
We were lucky enough this week to have a trip to the local library. The library workers read us some stories, we looked around at the books and even wrote our own story in groups before walking back to school. Have a wonderful week.
13 October 2023 - Design & Technology
As many of you will have heard in sharing assembly, we have been using wheels and axels in our design & technology lessons.
Today we made a first draft of the vehicle that we will be making next week.
We made a tray from paper, and connected the wheels to a wooden stick which served as our axle. The children were then challenged to make their own axle holder which would keep the wheels in place, but allow them to spin around.
Next week they will build their final model using bottle tops for wheels, which they will be able to bring home.
6 October 2023 - Poetry
This week in English we have been reading and writing poetry. We wrote a class poem all about various colours by splitting into groups to create verses about individual colours.
We look forward to performing this poem at sharing assembly next week!
29 September 2023 - Rapunzel
This week we concluded our work on Rapunzel. We read two different versions of the story over the last couple of weeks and compared the two. We then wrote from Rapunzel’s point of view, about exploring a forest after escaping the tower.
15 September 2023 - Geography
In Fox class this week we started our Geography topic, learning about similarities and differences between London and Islamabad. We discussed human and physical features of each city and the importance of rivers.
We also looked at an ariel view of London and located some famous landmarks.
8 September 2023 - Settling into Year 2
In Fox class we have been settling into year 2 and practising the routines that will help us throughout the year. We have placed emphasis on being 'independent learners' and exploring the ways we can support ourselves before we ask for help.
In Maths we have been practising using manipulatives to support our addition to 20. In this activity we used bead strings to help us work out the calculations, before using the correct colours to decorate the picture.
Please click here to view our 2022-23 class page archive